Insuring the careers and reputations of federal government workers
Federal employees provide irreplaceable services to our nation, all while facing unique challenges in their daily work. Starr Wright USA understands these challenges and has been aiding and advocating for federal workers since 1965.
Federal Employee Professional Liability Insurance from Starr Wright USA is crucial, especially for those in management or law enforcement. It provides insurance protection for federal employees’ careers from the damage that can be caused — both professionally and financially — when encountering an accusation of wrongdoing in the course of their work.
Who is eligible for this coverage?
- Full and part-time federal employees (including military federal civilian employees) are eligible to apply for Starr Wright USA’s Federal Employee Professional Liability Insurance (FEPLI) plans. Federal contractors and former federal employees who generate all of their revenues (up to $500,000 annually) from consulting/contracting agreements may be eligible for Starr Wright USA’s Professional Liability Insurance plan for contractors/consultants.
Is this insurance really worth the cost?
- Depending upon which plan is chosen, your annual premium can break down to less than $1 a day. Disciplinary actions or investigations, or allegations of negligence or failure to perform your professional duties can easily cost more than the annual premium of this insurance. Professional Liability Insurance through Starr Wright USA can potentially save you thousands of dollars, or more.
Is it true that my agency will reimburse me?
- Yes, the federal government considers this insurance protection so important, that agencies are required to reimburse qualified employees up to 50% or more of your FEPLI premium. Total amount reimbursable varies. Contact your Office of Human Resources to find out if you are eligible, and the procedures to process a reimbursement request from your agency.
When do benefits begin?
- Benefits are effective the day your application is received (subject to applicable subsequent underwriting review and premium payment).
Do any of these plans cover security clearance proceedings?
- Yes, our World Wide and Career Protector plans provide coverage to defend against administrative proceedings intended to revoke an insured's security clearance.
Do policies cover justified acts of qualified Federal Law Enforcement Officers, directly related to the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA)?
- Yes, our Career Protector plan offers insurance protection to qualified active federal law enforcement officers against covered liabilities arising out an act, error, or omission as defined and authorized by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) at no additional cost. Qualified active federal law enforcement officers will have insurance protection when taking reasonable action to:
- assist other law enforcement officers from other agencies;
- protect an individual in your presence from a crime of violence;
- provide immediate assistance to an individual who has suffered or who is threatened with bodily harm, and/or;
- prevent the escape of any individual who you reasonably believed to have committed a crime of violence in your presence.
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Indemnity & Liability Company. Starr is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Indemnity & Liability Company. Starr is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.