Our clients range from small, privately-held plants to multi-national, Fortune 500 companies. We understand the insurance needs of both including the complexities of captives and global insurance policies. Our team of experts are ready to help you, no matter how complex your needs.

Risk Management Services
Risk Management Programs (Captive) and
Risk Transfer Programs (Non-Captive)
Issuance of a master policy and/or local policies in full compliance with any local laws and/or applicable regulations which are reinsured in whole or in part to an insured’s captive, to a rental captive, or to a “special purpose reinsurer” used as a retention funding mechanism, or to a reinsurance panel.
- Payment and administration of any taxes or duties associated with the issuance of the policies.
- Administration of premiums withheld as may be applicable, etc.
- Various policy limits available.
- Handling of local affiliates insurance claims under the local policies in excess of the deductibles.
- Provision of accurate and highly detailed reports to enable our clients to maintain control over global programs.
- Cash flow management and premium settlement that are unparalleled in the industry.